Wednesday 21 September 2011

Mock up: For School magazine CONTENTS cover page

Mock Up: For school magazine FRONT cover

Contents Annotated Magazine

In this contents page it is showing that this school does loads of different things for example football to yoga to viewing cathedrals. The colours are bright so that it stands out to the targeted audience it also shoes a positive image as in the picture because it is showing that everyone is smiling and look happy in the image of the girls playing football.  The writing is also dark and this mean it would stand out to the reader who is reading it. It’s also showing that not all girls can play football as it in the content page photo it is showing girls playing football as normally boys are seen to be the headlight of the contents page. The other image on the contents page of the woman resting is showing that this school does loads of activities for keeping healthy and fit and also feeling relaxed.  The colour purple is also used to make the image look suttle and also calm.

Ideas for my school magazine

My school magazine will be aimed towards students and also parents. The name of my school will be called Mania High. My school colours will be grey and black, this is so that it stands out and also gives a positive look on the magazine. As purple and grey are warm  colours and are also also represented in a happy way. I want the front cover to be very positive so that it mkaes school children look positive. It will include a large background main image, small separate images, information of what will be included in the magazine will be my logo and also the school name, etc.  There will not be a lot of text on the front cover, it will be very basic. This is so that the image is not taken over by all the text surrounding it. The front cover image will be the main focus of the front page and show the success of all of the students at Mania High.
My first idea for my magazine is that i want to have my front cover image to show an achievement of a student, teacher or of the school.  This will promote my school and get people wanting to read my magazine because the image immediately shows that the school is succeeding and is also doing very well. Also this would be good if a parent is lookingfor a school for their child  as this could persuade them to move their child from their current school to this school. This idea for a magazine front cover is to have a boy holding a reward, a gratitued of achievement.  He will be a positive image as he will be smiling and he will be looking happy. For example the image will look like he is very proud of what he has achieved.  On my magazine page there will be a slogan and the slogan will be called 'Everyone can achieve' This is basically going to show that it doesnt matter who you are, everyone is intitled to all achieve the same. 

My other ideas is that my content page will have other things on it as well as the achievements going on in the school. For example it will have a sports page showing all the acitivtes which are being done at Mania High this is because it will show the targeted audience that the school cares for health and also its fitness towards the pupils who attend the school. It will also show activites after school for example art and design, media - This will be showing people on computers creating their own music. This will show the audience that the school has a lot of stuff going for it and has all the latest technology.

Friday 16 September 2011

annotated school/college magazine

The Masthead information slogan, logo and contact. Information. Information: On other things as well as the main image ‘Education’. Tells you about other things which is happening in the magazine as well as talking about College education. Personal Identity: Shows that he is religious and cares about his future

In this magazine the Mise-En-Scene theory has been used as the scene as the background is dark so that the guy is able to stand out in the magazine. Also he is being seen to hold books this gives us ‘Information’ that the guy is studying law and business in college as we have the detail of the picture to tell us this. People who are at college themselves will be able to relate to this magazine and will be interested in the information which has been provided. The colours are bright and contrasting to the background of the main image this is used to make it stand out more and grabs the reader's attention, the last thing the reader (especially in this case) wants to do is lose interest in the magazine. The use of the bright pink colour to the bottom left of the masthead draws the attention of the reader and also in this instance has relation to the issue it's mentioning.
Colours: The colours which have been used are Yellow, Black, Grey, Pink and White. 

Yellow Represents: yellow is the colour of sunshine. It's associated with joy; happiness, intellect, and energy, soft, sweet, warming bright yellows are joyful, lively, friendly, radian this is the main colour of this magazine because it looks happy and also friendly. Stands out to the targeted audience which would be people ages from 16 + Black: it helps people to look thinner when it comes to fashion. Also makes them look more plump and healthier. White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity. It is considered to be the colour of perfection. The sign of the ‘religious cross’ shows personal identity as it shows you that the man on the front cover of the magazine is religious. The clothes which are also being worn signifies that you don’t have to look smart to be successful and seen.

The font which has also been used is a block kind of font as it is easy to read and also will grab the reader’s attention. It also gives the impression to the target audience that the font which is being shown in yellow is the main headings in the magazine associated with ‘Education & College’. On the other hand the block font in white is associated with different things for example mobile phones as it quotes ‘ Why we love Blackberry’ This can be associated with education as phones are used to communicate and to also browse.

The most important and known part of a magazine is the cover; this is used to attract the target audience. So what a school magazine needs to do is to appeal to students. I have found a few images of covers from magazines that have been distributed. As you can see on the two covers from the ‘college’ magazine article the font of the masthead is the same, although the colours are different this allows the reader to have sense brand recognition. The masthead is monochromatic and keeps in with their three tone colour scheme. The models on both covers are in mid-shot taking up the majority of the cover with some sort of connection to one of the cover lines in these examples they are related to the cover line on the top left. 

Examples of Different kinds of School/College Magazines

Thursday 15 September 2011

Action Plan

Thursday 15th September 2011

. Action Plan
. Annotated school/college magazine
. Annotatted Contents Page

Friday 16th September 2011

. Create a Mock up cover
. Make a Mock up Contents Page
. Photographs explaining the choices mise-en-scene, lighting.
. Annotated main image, expplain why you have chosen this is as your image.

Sunday 18th September 2011

.  Change mock up in response to feedback
.  Final Cover
.  Final contents page
.  Evaluation

Preliminary Task Brief

Using DTP and an image manipulation Program, produce the front page of a new school college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program..